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Oncopig bladder cancer cells recapitulate human bladder cancer treatment responses in vitro

The published work (Segatto et al. 2024 Front. Oncol., 25 February 2024) discusses the development of a novel urothelial carcinoma cell line from Oncopigs®, Sus Clinicals’ genetically modified porcine model. The aim was to create a reliable in vitro model for bladder cancer research. The researchers successfully demonstrated that these Oncopig® bladder cancer cell lines mimic human bladder cancer cell responses to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents (cisplatin, doxorubicin, and gemcitabine).

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Effect of CRISPR Knockout of AXIN1 or ARID1A on Proliferation and Migration of Porcine Hepatocellular Carcinoma

In a groundbreaking study, scientists have used advanced genetic editing techniques (CRISPR) to create customized porcine models for studying liver cancer, specifically hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The researchers focused on two key genes, AXIN1 and ARID1A, which are frequently mutated in human liver cancer, and successfully replicated these mutations in pigs. This work lays the foundation for development and utilization of genetically-tailored porcine HCC models for in vivo testing of novel therapeutic approaches in a clinically-relevant large animal model.

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Porcine Cancer Models: Potential Tools to Enhance Cancer Drug Trials

The amount of time and money invested into cancer drug research, development, and clinical trials has continually increased over the past few decades. Despite record high cancer drug approval rates, cancer remains a leading cause of death. This suggests the need for more effective tools to help bring novel therapies to clinical practice in a timely manner.

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Translating Human Cancer Sequences Into Personalized Porcine Cancer Models

The global incidence of cancer is rapidly rising, and despite an improved understanding of cancer molecular biology, immune landscapes, and advancements in cytotoxic, biologic, and immunologic anti-cancer therapeutics, cancer remains a leading cause of death worldwide. The authors explain that by creating pig models that mirror patients' genetic profiles, researchers can improve the predictability of treatment outcomes and accelerate progress in cancer research and treatment.

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